NZZ:  "The Pope and His Opponents: Francis in the Headwinds"

NZZ: "The Pope and His Opponents: Francis in the Headwinds"

Cardinal Leondaro Sandri
by Manfred Ferrari
This is one comment, typical of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung   (NZZ), among the best I've ever read on the subject. As a journalist who has been working for three decades with the Vatican Curia, I can agree with the author in many ways. A reform of the Curia was long overdue. But this has to be drawn with tact and consideration out of the myriad of  Vatican cliques. The commissioning of outrageously expensive consulting firms was an unfortunate choice.
In addition, Pope Francis has received some internal crossfire due to  unhappy personnel decisions, particularly also because he (against his better judgment) did not want to reverse. The extravagance of the Curia, which often arises from a frightening arrogance has hardly relented even under the new pontiff.
An example: As the Greek Catholic Church on 16 September 2013, was inaugurated in Astana / Kazakhstan *, the Vatican ordered a private jet in Switzerland so that the Argentine curial official and his staff  could walk in with  "dry feet."  This was certainly not within the meaning of Pope Bergoglio.  But even Pope Paul VI. had his work cut with his Curia. When he gave an analysis of the reform of the Curia at Bishop Edouard Gagnon in order, these disappeared without a trace, even before Pope Montini could see them. Even for Pope John Paul II. it was not possible gather all findings in a single study (existing in a single output).
*) The private company MAX Airlines had carried (from Berne-Rome-Kazakhstan and back)  Cardinal Leonardo Sandri (Argentina) and his suite. The estimated cost was approximately 15-20000 Swiss francs to be a guest at the feast of the dedication there! How many poor children could have been supplied with it? With Alitalia Flight + Aeroflot this would have cost 548 euros per person. And now the Vatican is taking action (according to my information, at the express wish of Pope Francis) against two Italian journalists, because they denounced the wastefulness of Vatican cardinals in their books. According to the new Law Code of the Vatican they could be faced with imprisonment between 5 - expect 10 years, even if they are expected to be pardoned. With this action, Pope Francis may lose his goodwill with the international press. Pity!
Text: Manfred Ferrari, Vaticanist kathmedia.org, fotoferrari.com
Image: Una Fides
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmmail.com