Vatileaks Bunglers Provide Information for Books that Celebrate a Humble Reformer
Edit: so the bungling duo, two people who are clearly opportunists, if you paid attention to some of their activities since becoming favored by Bergoglio, releases information for books that make their master into a real hero.
He'll probably ensure the pair are pardoned.
I think we can now safely assume that this is a manufactured event designed to make Bergoglio look good.
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Two new books by Italian journalists depict a Vatican plagued by mismanagement, greed, cronyism and corruption and where Pope Francis still faces stiff resistance from the old guard to his reform agenda.
The books, "Merchants in the Temple," by Gianluigi Nuzzi and "Avarice," by Emiliano Fittipaldi, which are being released in Italy on Wednesday, have already been condemned by the Vatican.
On Monday, the Vatican said the books "generate confusing, partial, and tendentious interpretations" in a statement that announced the arrest of two members of a commission the pope had set up to study financial reforms.