Sala stampa della Santa Sede
[Text: Français, English]
Sono stati diffusi in Kenya, Uganda e Repubblica Centrafricana i video-messaggi registrati dal Santo Padre Francesco in preparazione alla Visita che compirà dal 25 al 30 novembre nei tre Paesi africani.
Ne riportiamo di seguito la trascrizione:
Dear Friends,
As I prepare to visit Kenya and Uganda later this month, I send a word of greeting and friendship to you and your families. I look forward to this time we will have together.
I am coming as a minister of the Gospel, to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ and his message of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace. My visit is meant to confirm the Catholic community in its worship of God and its witness to the Gospel, which teaches the dignity of every man and woman, and commands us to open our hearts to others, especially the poor and those in need. (...)