Evil Capuchin Preaches Religious Indifferentism: Praises Protestant

Evil Capuchin Preaches Religious Indifferentism: Praises Protestant Revolt

Edit: he's been bad since 1980, and he'll continue to be bad till someone in authority corrects him. It doesn't seem to matter much that his statements betray Christ or are a cause of scandal to faithful Catholics suffering persecution. Here he is again:

[Catholic Herald] The Pope’s personal preacher has praised the Reformation and said that moral issues such as sexuality, should not “divide us more than Jesus unites us.”

Speaking at Wesminster Abbey, during the inauguration of the Church of England’s Tenth General Synod, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, who has served as Preacher to the Papal Household since 1980, praised the “theological and spiritual enrichment” of the Reformation.

He said: “We need to go back to the time of the Apostles: they faced a pre-Christian world, and we are facing a largely post-Christian world. When Paul wants to summarise the essence of the Christian message in one sentence, he does not say, “I proclaim this or that doctrine to you.” He says, “We preach Christ crucified” (1 Cor 1:23), and “We preach . . . Jesus Christ as Lord” (2 Cor 4:5). This is the real “articulus stantis et cadentis Ecclesiae”, the article by which the Church stands or falls.
