Edit: Vox Populi has been picking on this fraud for a few days at least, and James Martin has been particularly insufferable in recent days too, as he's feeling his oats.
Truly, it's astonishing that this man is unironically presented by the media, and the official apparchiks, as a Catholic priest in good standing.
There's nothing Catholic about him, and like a lot of his confreres, he despises Catholics.
It is a sign of the decadence of the state of contemporary Catholicism that those in this minority are called "liberals", or perhaps even "moderates"--advocates for the importance of "pastoral care" alongside doctrine, and even disciples of the "new" doctrine of mercy, advocated by the current Pope.
In fact, of course, they are heretics.
I'm not using the term because I don't like them (though, obviously I don't), but because it is precisely accurate. In Catholic terminology a heretic is one who denies one or more (though not all) claims of Catholic doctrine. If one is in in favor of giving communion to the divorced and remarried, then one must deny at least one doctrinal claim.