The Results of the Family Synod:  Cardinal Kasper "I am very pleased"

The Results of the Family Synod: Cardinal Kasper "I am very pleased"

I'm very pleased...
(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper is "very pleased"  about the result of the Synod, although Communion for the divorced and remarried wasn't mentioned once. "When the result of the Synod is agreed to by Kasper, then it is time to be worried," says Secretum meum mihi.
The Italian daily,  Il Giornaleve Interviewed the German Cardinal with the title: "Hosts for Divorced, If Penitent"  And the subtitle: "The prelate  talks about the closing of the Synod as though his progressive line had succeeded." The newspaper had cited Kasper with the words: "I am very pleased and am overjoyed by the Synods successful work. The closing report is a good text, and we only await the Pope's decision.“
Il Giornale: Your Eminence, in the Synod your line has predominated, that is to say, the possibility to allow  remarried divorcees to communion through an individual assessment. How do you rate the discussion of the Synod Fathers on this subject?
Kasper: I am pleased to open the door to the possibility of the divorced and remarried to  communion.  There is a certain opening, but you do not even talk about the consequences. Now everything is in the hands of the pope, who decides. The Synod has made recommendations. There has been an opening, but the matter is still not completely resolved and needs to be further deepened.
Il Giornale: If it is, the priest stands there to decide on a case by case basis, what is meant by that?
Kasper: There needs to some conditions given for admition to the sacrament of the Eucharist. First, the assessment of whether everything possible has been done possible to save the first marriage; then that there is a way of repentance for the couple. Then there must be a path of reflection and accompaniment, because divorce is a disaster and leaves traumatic experiences. It takes time to overcome the wounds of separation.
Il Giornale: But running such an opening does not risk confirming divorce?
Kasper: Yes, the doors are not opened for divorce. The pastor must do everything possible to reconcile the couple. Divorce is never a pleasant thing and is a sad moment, especially for the children of the couple.
Il Giornale: There were elements of  "disorder": The Coming out of Monsignor Charamsa who professed to be gay, have the letter of the 13 cardinals,  who have criticized the methods of the Synod work, the dissemination of the message through QN, the pope's  benign brain tumor. Has all the Synod work destabilized?
Kasper: The Synod can not  be manipulated. We have gone further in our work and in accordance with a fixed agenda, without  having us be influenced or manipulated by external factors.
Il Giornale:  the Synod, however,  has not come to an agreement about homosexual relationships. 
Kasper: The theme of the Synod was the family and homosexuals are not the family.  We have not dealt with the subject of homosexual partnerships, but only with the presence of persons with homosexual tendencies within a family. The Church must help with these situations, one must help, not  discriminate.
Il Giornale: What do you now expect from the Pope?
Kasper: I hope that the Holy Father has written a compelling text that emphasizes the joy of Christian marriage, which is the most important thing. The indissolubility of marriage is not up for discussion, but there is no contrast between mercy and truth of the Gospel.
Il Giornale: When can we expect Francis' decision?
Cardinal Kasper: It takes time, it is not a document that you do from one day to the next. The final report of the Synod is a foundation for the Pope. I hope that the text of the Pope comes during the Year of Mercy. That would be a nice sign.
Secretum meum mihi adds:  They were still worried about the result? Now you have a reason to be there.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Giornalettismo (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmailcom