President of Polish Bishops' Conference Sounds the Alarm

President of Polish Bishops' Conference Sounds the Alarm

Stanisław Gądecki, Archbishop of Posen and President of the Polish Bishops' Conference has spoken of an attack against Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality on October 17, 2015 in the Synod Hall.  

Some said that they do not wish to change doctrine, but that is indeed exactly what they are trying to do.

The proposal for a change in the order of the sacraments is in reality an attempt to change the doctrine by the back door.

The intervention of the Archbishop is of great significance, because these attacks had been carefully planned afore time. Additionally the polish delegates can count on the support of other East European synod participants. 

The proposal of the German delegation, to give more autonomy to the "local churches" (what's meant are Bishops' Conferences), was sharply criticized by Cardinal Raymond Burke for  LifesitenewsKirche. The Church must declare the truth and this is not dependent upon the time and place, says the Cardinal, who is not a Synod Father.

In view of the desolate situation of German Catholicismleads directly to the formation of national churches. 

Changes in the teaching on marriage and the new role of the "local churches" are presently the most heatedly debated themes in the synod. Both poles in the synod --  conservatives and progressives -- are becoming increasingly augmented, as they attempt to promote their viewpoints.