Edit: when George Neumayr gets critical like this... Is the Apocalypse coming? Even Neocons are angry at this Pope. Still, he doesn't go far enough. Surely, anyone who's tried to be a faithful Catholic at some point has experienced a spiteful leftist who can't contain his contempt for the faithful Catholic?
The Pope's Caricaturing Conservatives
[Spectator] The scandalous synod on the family skidded to a stop last weekend in Rome but not before Pope Francis got in a few more licks at conservatives, whom he caricatured in his final remarks as heartless.
The speech was notable for its nastiness, displaying the very lack of charity he routinely assigns to conservatives. The synod, he said, had exposed “closed hearts which frequently hide even behind the Church’s teachings or good intentions, in order to sit in the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families.”
He continued: “It was about trying to open up broader horizons, rising above conspiracy theories and blinkered viewpoints, so as to defend and spread the freedom of the children of God, and to transmit the beauty of Christian Newness, at times encrusted in a language which is archaic or simply incomprehensible.”