Dissident Catholics Input Sought to Replace Neoconservative Archbishop

Dissident Catholics Input Sought to Replace Neoconservative Archbishop

Edit: in keeping with the spirit of today's church, and the primitive Church as it is imagined by fogey Old Liberal university professors at St. Thomas University,  the apostolic administrator, Archbishop Bernard Hebda, has decided to poll the most evil parishes and fake Catholic  Universities in the Archdiocese about what qualities they seek in a successor for the unjustly pilloried Archbishop John Nienstedt. 

God forbid that they'd actually poll real Catholics.

  • 1-3 p.m. Oct. 5 at St. Catherine’s University (Promotes gender ideology.)
  • 7-9 p.m. Oct. 5 at St. Stephen in Anoka
  • 7-9 p.m. Oct. 6 at Pax Christi in Eden Prairie (Dissenting elderly suburbanites)
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 2 at St. Peter in Forest Lake
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 3 at Divine Mercy in Faribault
  • 7-9 p.m. Nov. 4 at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul (The children of evil, dissenting Catholics spend large piles of cash to be "educated" here.)
  • 1-3 p.m. Oct. 6 at the Carondelet Center in St. Paul: This is will be for consecrated men and women. [This includes the ossified, zombified religious of the state.]

Naturally, the KSTP article has to mention sex abuse.  If they were so worried about sex abuse and coverup a, why aren't they focusing on Saint John's Abbey at Collegeville, which probably has the largest population of unchained sexual predators of any religious community in the world.