Conflicts at Synod are Being Downplayed by Most of the Press and the Vatican

Conflicts at Synod are Being Downplayed by Most of the Press and the Vatican

Edit: the press has been virtually silent about the pederast enabling Cardinal Daneels.  Damian Thompson is looking past the synod toward younger and more sensible management.

Despite efforts to stifle any public revelation of what's actually going on, a Melkite Patriarch, Gregory Laham spoke up in the face of the heretical musings of the President of the Panamanian Bishops' Conference, according to Toronto Catholic Witness, who translates from the blog of Archbishop Stanislas Gadecki of Poland  

"One should always speak of the "sacrament of matrimony" and not "marriage".  To show the spiritual beauty of marriage. To assist spouses one must show them the unchangeable, spiritual vision of matrimony. Many times we are not united with the positive vision of marriage and the family. Jesus corrected Moses. Dissoluble marriage is against its nature".

Even the Old Liberal Archbishop Coleridge states that an overwhelming majority of the Bishops are opposed to Communion for the remarried and divorced as reported by the evil John Allen at the Old Liberal, Crux from Boston Globe:

It’s very early, but based on your sense of where the synod stands right now, if the Kasper proposal for the divorced and remarried were put to a straight up or down vote, how would it go?I think it’s about 65-35 against, and it’s been clarified over the last year. I think there would certainly be a majority of bishops – this is a guess, but an informed guess – who would not favor the Kasper proposal.
Because they see it as touching the indissolubility of marriage?Not only that, but also the understanding of the Eucharist and of the Church. That’s a kind of Trinity, and if you touch one, you touch the lot. That said, there are all kinds of positions along the spectrum within that 65 percent who are against.
I’ll quote one bishop, and this scandalized me, who said, “This synod basically has to choose between the way of Jesus and the way of Walter Kasper.” [He's right.] It wasn’t in the public session, but it was said. I don’t scandalize easily, but that did it.