Edit: from Father Zuhlsdorf's blog. Seems to me we've been living with an unacceptable praxis which assumes unacceptable doctrine, tolerated by very powerful churchmen,
for centuries. Faithful Catholics somehow survived evil prelates like Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, and they will certainly survive Kasper and his lackies.
UPDATE: 26 Oct 11:00 AM ROME (CET)
From a different friend who is a canonist. I’ll leave his name out of this for now:
for centuries. Faithful Catholics somehow survived evil prelates like Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, and they will certainly survive Kasper and his lackies.
UPDATE: 26 Oct 11:00 AM ROME (CET)
From a different friend who is a canonist. I’ll leave his name out of this for now:
http://wdtprs.com/blog/2015/10/what-did-the-synod-really-say-some-analysis-of-the-final-report/What Did The Synod Really Say? Some analysis of the Final Report.“[IF] If the Pope decides to publish this section of the Final Report in whatever document he issues, and if he, too, leaves out that section of FC 84 that bars civilly divorced and remarried from Communion, then this section will become magisterial teaching. [Get it?] Will that mean that the civilly divorced and remarried can be admitted to Holy Communion without promising to live “as brother and sister”? In my view, …without the benefit of much time for reflection, it could very well mean that. IN OTHER WORDS the Kasper Proposal has come into the Final Report through the back door.”Concedo: you could give a Kasperian interpretation of this document.Distinguo: a Kasperian interpretation of this document does not mean that the document itself supports the Kasper Proposal.Of course Cardinal Kasper also interprets the Scriptures in an “interesting” way to support his thesis.That does not mean that Scriptures support the Kasper Proposal.And a Kasperian interpretation of this document cannot become a “Magisterial” teaching when the Kasper Proposal is clearly not guided by the Holy Spirit – because1. It would be in contradiction to the Teaching of Christ on the Indissolubility of Marriage.2. It would be in contradiction to the Teaching of the Council of Trent on the Indissolubility of Marriage.3. It would be in contradiction to the Teaching of St John Paul II on the Indissolubility of Marriage.4. It would be in contradiction to Sacred Tradition on the Indissolubility of Marriage.The Pope cannot make a Magisterial declaration that is clearly false. He cannot solemnly define that 1 + 1 + 3. But that is what he is trying to do. It is totally illogical and crazy.He would be very unwise to plunge half the Church into schism.I think even he realises this – which is why he threw his toys out of the pram again the other day.Hopefully that the letter of the 13 Cardinals will have given him a wake-up call.If Pope Francis does issue false doctrine, please God the next Pope will revoke the false teaching.I think that the whole of this document needs a Hermeneutic of Continuity – especially as it claims to be building on the Magisterium of Vatican II, Paul VI, John Paul II & Benedict XVI.And furthermore in Chapter II the second section is entitled “Indissolubilita e fecondita dell’unione sponsale” begins “I’irrevocabile fedelta di Dio all’alleanza e il fondamento dell’indisolubilita del matrimonio.” (48)A pity Ed Peters was not part of the Synod to introduce some logic. [Amen.]
And Father Ray Blake admires Cardinal Pell: