Papal Consultor:  "Mary is not a suitable reference point for the advancement of women in the church"

Papal Consultor: "Mary is not a suitable reference point for the advancement of women in the church"

Enzo Bianchi, Papal Consultor or False Prophet?
 (Rome) "Mary can not be the reference point for the advancement of women in the Church." In reality,  Bianchi is a layman. He gave an interview to the daily newspaper La Repubblica, which was published last September 9th. Bianchi was appointed by Pope Francis as Consultor in  July 2014 of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity.
La Repubblica published an interview under the title "The church of the future," of Enzo Bianchi by Sylvia Roochney. Bianchi explained it: "In the Church there are good intentions, but about there are unreal expectations about women:  The model Maria, Virgin and Mother, can not be the reference point for the advancement of women in the church. The fashionable, subliminally alleged idea that Mary was more important than St. Peter, is a stupid idea, just as the wheels of a car would be more important than the steering wheel."
Next Bianchi said, "We are not yet able to take unequivocal equality between men and women seriously. The path of the Church is still very far, because even all the men are at the decision-levers, while women are restricted to low services," said Enzo Bianchi.

Enzo Bianchi Anti-Marian discovered under Francis again in the Franciscan  papacy 

Of Mary with Jesus Child (Civitanova)
That the Magisterium says the exact opposite, does not move "Prior" Bianchi. Bianchi wants to flatter Pope Francis with his sudden emphasis of the apostle Peter, although he  himself called for the  "overcoming" of  the papacy "in a spirit of ecumenism" in 2013 (see The papal Consultant who wants to abolish the Pope - False Ecumenism), said on June 12, 2015: "The feminine genius is a grace: The church is a woman, and Mary is much more important than the apostles".
Pope John Paul II stressed the importance of Mary in his "Letter by the Pope to Women" of 29 June 1995; in the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of 22 May 1994; in the Apostolic Letter Mulieres Dignitatem August 15, 1988; as Pope Paul VI. in the Apostolic ExhortationSignum magnum of 13 May 1967 to name just a few of many examples that refute Bianchi's assertion.
Bianchi is known for his heterodox statements: Last August, he claimed that "family is a form that is given by society". Specifically, he said, so that the family could be changed by the society.

"False Prophet"

The former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Lateran University, Msgr. Antonio Livi, called Enzo Bianchi a "false prophet". Bianchi was the representative of a "horizontal, anthropocentric Christianity without God, replacing the only way to salvation by a demagogic search for worldly peace, according to an illusory universal friendship and by secular solidarity," said the Catholic historian Cristina Siccardi.
Silvia Ronchey is also no stranger. The Assistant Professor of Byzantine Studies and daughter of a former Italian minister of culture, she comes from a Masonic tradition. She is a welcome guest in the circle of the aproned  brothers. Her father, Alberto Ronchey took part in the Bilderburg Meeting in 1969 as a journalist for the Corriere della Sera  in Mont Tremblant, Canada.
In 2011 Silvia Ronchey the historically confusing  book "The True Story of Hypatia" that says less about Hypatia, but all the more about Ronchey's anti-Catholic and anti-Christian prejudices. Gustavo Raffi, the then Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, even traveled to promote the book .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com