Islamists Hunt for Proselytes on St. Peter's Square

Islamists Hunt for Proselytes on St. Peter's Square

Islamic State at St. Peter's Square
Edit: nature abhors a vacuum.  If Catholics scorn proselytism, the Muslims don't.
(Rome) Two women covered from head to toe, and three young bearded men.
They defy the hot midday heat and the sultry air. For a good quarter of an hour they posed for pictures against the backdrop of magnificent facade of St. Peter's Basilica and the mighty dome of St. Peter.
An Islamic family, who, like thousands of tourists every day  mad a commemorative photo, on vacation.
It's an increasingly frequent image that one gets to see in Rome at St. Peter's Square. An image that was completely uncommon a few years ago.

More and more Muslims to St. Peter's in Rome

There is a long way between these innocuous images and when a bearded man was photographed on St. Peter's Square with the black banner of the Islamic State (IS). Or the photo montages with the black flag waving on the dome of St. Peter, published on the internet for the  propaganda purposes of the Islamic State (IS). The Islamists are in the center of Christianity. Images that went around the world and triggered some shudder.
If you stroll through the most visited streets around St. Peter's Square, the Borgo Pio about Borgo Vittorio to Borgo Sant'Angelo, you may find that the many Muslims there, including the particularly strict Salafists and Wahhabis, has become customary, allowed to behold St. Peter's.
The waiters of the restaurants and trattorias that have the safest view of the  bustling throng, confirm it. They come not only as tourists. Some seem like spies, and harbingers of things to come. In the neighborhoods around the Vatican, more and more Muslims are settled. Here and there, are businesses opened that are run by Bengalis, Pakistanis, Tunisians or else a Muslim, next to a kebab shop are bags, towels ...

Victory sign in front of St. Peter's Basilica - "You Want Allah?"

In the weekly supplement Venerdì of the daily newspaper La Repubblica,  Vaticanist Filippo Di Giacomo has written an article: "There is an Increasingly Stronger Presence of Islamic Prayer around St. Peter", about which he reported on the increase of Muslims in Rome and in the streets around the Vatican.
Di Giacomo also reported that it is increasingly frequented by groups of men in oriental sack clothes and beards that take selfies before St. Peter's Basilica. With one hand they hold their smartphone, with the other hand they make a victory sign. The gesture is in need of interpretation, the first thought in any case is not necessarily reassuring.
Di Giacomo especially described the bearded men who ask tourists and locals alike in the streets and squares around   St Peter's: "Do you want Allah? Do you like Allah? "

While the Vatican discusses,  the Vatican neighborhood has the largest Islamic density

From 9 clock in the morning Muslims recruit for Islam in the shadow of the dome of St. Peter every day. They hold the Quran in the air and carry hanging poster boards for Allah and Islam. This appearance is now  frequently seen in many European cities. From Hamburg to Cologne, Stuttgart and Zurich, from Vienna to Berlin they "decorate" the cityscape  in German-speaking countries.
Also in Rome bearded men invite the Moslems to pray to Allah. There is no shortage of larger and smaller to the smallest prayer rooms, sometimes even the backyard of a business  run by Islamic immigrants. Also in the Borghi around the Vatican, they are in existence  and there will always be more.
While their Islamist peers in the Middle East and Africa are hunting down Christians, raping them, driving them into exile, murdering, the  Islamists engage unmolested in prosylitism in St. Peter's Square.
"While the Vatican is  discussing, the Vatican neighborhood already has the largest concentration of Islamic prayer rooms of Rome," said Di Giacomo.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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