In Case the Synod Takes  a "Strange Turn"?   "Remain True!"

In Case the Synod Takes a "Strange Turn"? "Remain True!"

Cardinal Burke
(Washington) This past September 13, Cardinal Rayond Burke, who was removed by Pope Francis from the Roman Curia for being the spokesman of Kasper's critics, spoke in St. Louis about "the truth of Christ in marriage."  The  Cardinal Patronus of the Sovereign Order of Malta addressed the spiritual, social, doctrinal and canonical aspects of the crisis, in which marriage and the family in Western culture find themselves. The cardinal spoke of a great confusion and rebellion inside the Church.
Cardinal Burke stressed that in "our" increasingly secularized and a hostile world the greater responsibility lays on the shoulders of parents to mold the children by word and example, and to teach them the true meaning of Christian marriage. Along with the authentic, always valid teaching of the Church, the healthy family formation for children and young people will prove to be the main source for their guidance, as a key means by which   Christian truth will be passed to the next generation.

Resistance to Kasper Proposal - New Nullity of Marriage "Could Cause Problems" "

The cardinal suggested the book was published in 2014 shortly before the Synod of Bishops "Remaining  in the Truth of Christ" of five cardinals, including Burke, for reading. In Saint Louis, he reaffirmed his categorical opposition to the proposal by Cardinal Walter Kasper, allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments.
The Cardinal Patron, an excellent canonist, also expressed that there could be some problems because of the new provisions announced on September 8  by Pope Francis on the nullity of marriage. The new rules, says the cardinal, would require a lot of caution and a particularly attentive interpretation in the light of the long canonical and doctrinal tradition of the Church.
A negative example   Cardinal Burke mention the  suspension of the double judgment for the nullity of marriage in the United States during the period of 1971 to 1983. The American "experiment" of "rationalization" [Streamlining] of the marriage annulment process has led in practice to general laxity that had become perceived as a "Catholic divorce". That was one reason why the Code of Canon Law of 1983 had restored the duty of appeal in the second instance, as it had been introduced in 1740 by Benedict XIV..

Divine law will be, "only more Ideal"

To spread "confusion," says the cardinal, it is also put in effect that today the divine law would put marriage and chastity down as mere "ideals", that  demand a need  for heroic holiness in ordinary Catholics. Such an attitude, in turn, leads to false ideas about "mercy", as well as the admission of Catholics to the sacraments, who are  in the state of mortal sin, because the ideal is unattainable anyway.
Cardinal Burke stressed however, that the teaching of Scripture and the Church says that God's gift of grace are always sufficient to resist any temptation and to obey His commandments. For this, however, there is a condition: The faithful must turn in humility, with trusting faith and unceasing prayer to Him.
At the end of his speech he replied to the question of what Catholics should do if it should come to a "strange twist" at the upcoming Synod. Cardinal Burke's prompt response consisted of only two words: "Remain true!"
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Mil
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotail.com