France:  Muslim Faces Three Months in Prison For Refusing to Officiate "Gay Marriage"

France: Muslim Faces Three Months in Prison For Refusing to Officiate "Gay Marriage"

Sabrina Hout is being recommended by prosecutors for
three months in prison, because she refused to
conclude a "gay marriage".
 (Paris) France teaches you to  rotate the world around yourself and be confused.  Three prosecutors are seeking three months in prison for a Vice Mayor, Socialist and "practicing Moslem"   because she had refused to officiate a "gay marriage."
Sabrina Hout was voted in the municipal elections in 2014 as part of the ruling Socialist Party of Francoise Hollande as  President to the Municipal Council of the VIII. Secteur Marseilles. Actually, the case should have been handled with caution. But it turned out differently.The Marseilles prosecutor, Marie Blanche Regnier, is asking for three months in prison and a fine of 1,500 euros because of "discrimination based on sexual orientation". The young District Vice Mayor in the second largest city in France after Paris refers to herself as "a practicing Muslim" and demanded "respect for her religious beliefs".

"Gay marriage" law does not provide for conscientious objection

Sabrina Hout is the first case in France, where a government representative has been brought to justice, since 2013, the Socialist Party, to which  Hout belongs,  legalized "gay marriage" (Marriage pour tous). The law put in force   by President Hollande does not provide a clause for conscientious objection.
As at 16 August 2014, two lesbians appeared at the city hall of the VIII. Secteur to enter into a "gay marriage,"  while  Hout,  who is responsible for the family area, asked another council to represent them. That would, however, not have been possible for legal reasons. Hout, therefore, had to sign the relevant documents for the couple, but was represented at the ceremony for the actual formal act.

"Instead of Catholics and fascists we have a young, modern, leftist Muslim in front of us"

The Deputy Mayor was denounced in-house. The lesbian "gay marriage"  was first canceled and then subsequently confirmed. The result was that they initiated a complaint against the Deputy Mayor.  District Mayor Samia Ghali, of Algerian descent, also Moslem and socialist as Hout, withdrew her colleague from all responsibilities. The prosecutor opened proceedings for the falsification of documents.
On September 29 Hout will know whether the judges will follow the recommendation of the prosecutor.  The prosecutor referred to her  plea to fight  on behalf of the two lesbians as "legitimate and correct."
The lawyer of the two complaintants, Philipe Vouland, is also pushing for a condemnation, "to set a precedent." Literally he said: "In the fight for marriage for all, the [homosexuals]  associations expect to have to cross  blades with proper heterosexuals,  Catholics,  sexists and fascists. Instead, we came across a young, modern, single, leftist woman,  and Moslem."

Aberrosexual organizations have labelled Hout as a "homophobic monster"

Hout told the court that she had "never wanted to discriminate against  anyone," but just wanted to respec her religious beliefs. She finds support in the Mayors'  Association mayors pour l'enfance.  This found that the Taubira-law legalizing "gay marriage" known as Article 9 of the ECHR,  infringes upon the assurance to every person of freedom of thought, freedom of conscience and freedom of religion.
President Hollande had assured the French Mayors on 20 November 2012: "The law is applied to all, but in respect for freedom of conscience."
2015 brought nothing more to hear. The aberrosexual organizations have branded Sabrina Hout  as a "homophobic monster."  "You have insulted me by calling me a homophobe, which is completely false.  I've been through Hell. My name was in all the newspapers ... At  work I was insulted in every possible way, even as a terrorist and Jihadist!"
The lesbian couple, Claude and Helene, hopes to reach a judgment against Sabrina Hout  that "is an example for the implementation of the law".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotail.com