Father Tom Andert
Modernist Monastery
Benedictine Abbey Lying About Prior's Accusation -- Media Gives "Helping" Hand
Edit: St. John's Abbey is at it again, attempting to throw up a diversion by getting a press release about an accusation that "happened 30 years ago," while ignoring a much more credible, damaging one against the same perpetrator. The resignation, pending a further investigation of Father Thomas Andert, has been unsatisfactorily covered in the various Minnesota media organs [here, here, SC Times which is usually favorable to Collegeville. NPR goes to some lengths to point out that the accusation is not detailed. [How helpful.]. None of these news items mentions another accusation leveled against this monk, even going to the point of lying about it. As Aelred Senna, the Abbey's spokesman is quoted as saying:
What about the other, very credible accusation which the Abbey, and coincidentally the press, is ignoring? We'd made mention earlier that Andert had preyed upon a young man who recently committed suicide. There's also evidence of Andert's grooming his alleged victim with his odd love letters. There is no mention of this by any of the news media.
It is possible that after they determine that the accusation isn't credible, they'll reinstate Andert as Prior.
We also gotta ask... Where are the dissident leftists like Father Michael Tegeder, who were so vocal when Archbishop Nienstedt was being attacked relentlessly by the national and local news media? The national news media doesn't seem to care on this count. They weren't very helpful during the Marriage Amendment, either.
Josh Guimond is still missing and St. John's Abbey is still an organ of error and deceitfulness.
The abbey said they have no other incidents or allegations filed against him.1
What about the other, very credible accusation which the Abbey, and coincidentally the press, is ignoring? We'd made mention earlier that Andert had preyed upon a young man who recently committed suicide. There's also evidence of Andert's grooming his alleged victim with his odd love letters. There is no mention of this by any of the news media.
It is possible that after they determine that the accusation isn't credible, they'll reinstate Andert as Prior.
We also gotta ask... Where are the dissident leftists like Father Michael Tegeder, who were so vocal when Archbishop Nienstedt was being attacked relentlessly by the national and local news media? The national news media doesn't seem to care on this count. They weren't very helpful during the Marriage Amendment, either.
Josh Guimond is still missing and St. John's Abbey is still an organ of error and deceitfulness.