Archbishop Cupich:  Catholics Must Show "Mercy to Non-Traditional Families"  -- End of Pallium Ceremony as We Know it

Archbishop Cupich: Catholics Must Show "Mercy to Non-Traditional Families" -- End of Pallium Ceremony as We Know it

(New York), he is considered one of the progressive "outsiders" in the American episcopate. There is talk about the Msgr. Cupich, appointed in September 2014 appointed by the Pope Francis as the new archbishop of Chicago. It's a  decision that found the disapproval  emeritus Chicago Shepherd, Francis Cardinal George,.
Still missing is the official confirmation by Rome, but  Archbishop Cupich is to be one of the participants in the Bishops' Synod on the Family personally appointed by Pope Francis. The American Bishops' Conference had not chosen Cupich   for the Synod seat. But Pope Francis seems to put emphasis on a counter position to the majority opinion of the Episcopal Conference.
The Archbishop has now called the Catholics of his diocese  "to embrace change".  Moreover, Catholics should show "mercy towards non-traditional families." [Weren't we supposed to be merciless? What gives!]
At least one unfortunate phrase, as they say in the US, was Archbishop Cupich's message on the occasion of receiving the pallium, which took place on 23 August.
"At risk are not extra-familial forms of living, the family is at risk. They need protection and words of encouragement, rather than giving the impression that the family is currently an obligation towards extra-familial forms," said Francisco Fernandez de la Cigoña.
As is known, Pope Francis changed the Pallium Rite. Unlike what was once usual, it is no longer the Pope, who hangs a pallium about the newly appointed metropolitan  in a solemn ceremony. The bestowal of office took place for the first time  in 2015 in the cathedral church of the respective metropolitan by the competent apostolic nuncio.
What has been seen as a form to strengthen the ties with Rome and of fidelity to the Pope, will now serve decentralization and the strengthening of the local Church.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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