Daily reflection _ acts in extraordianry ways

Daily reflection _ acts in extraordianry ways

May we recognize that each one of us is part of God's plan.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
As people of faith we are called to believe that God guides and directs our personal lives as well as the world's events. At times, in order to emphasize His providential care, God acts in extraordinary ways.
In today's first reading from the beginning of the Letter to the Hebrews, the Kingdom of God and His reign are ways of speaking about God's powerful rule over all creation. The rule of God is good news. As the Responsorial Psalm proclaims today, "The Lord is King; let the earth rejoice" (Ps 97:1). Behind the symbol of our heavenly Father's reign lies the rich story of His activity in the world. This great story reaches back to creation itself and retells all the words God had spoken through the prophets "in times past," and all the wonders of His works for all peoples.
These events, and all those of the Old Testament, are important because they form a part of God's overall plan leading to the coming of His Son, and even that moment in today's Gospel when Jesus said, "This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand" (Mk 1:15). God spoke to us through the Son!
May we recognize that each one of us is part of God's plan. We live in the time of fulfillment and the reign of God has come to us in the Person of Christ Jesus.

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