Daily reflection _ confidence in faithfulness

Daily reflection _ confidence in faithfulness

Do not be afraid, God is with you and all will be well.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Advent is a time for new beginnings and strengthening our hope and confidence in our heavenly Father's faithfulness to the Covenant He has made with us. In preparing the way for a Savior, we see the wondrous miracle of two barren couples who conceive and bear sons - Samson in the Old Testament and John the Baptist in the New Testament. They are both called by God to bring hope and deliverance during a time of spiritual challenges and difficulties for the People of God.
God's angelic messenger greeted Zechariah with much blessing beyond his expectations. "Your prayer is heard! You will have a son! And his mission will be great for all of Israel." The angel wisely put Zechariah in his place before God's mighty action. When God draws us into His presence, He wants us to come before Him with open minds and hearts so we can totally listen to His voice as He speaks to our hearts and reveals His truth to us.
Our faith provides very clear instructions for those of us who worry about things to come: Do not be afraid, God is with you and all will be well. Each generation prays for protection from anxiety, and in return God, through His Son Jesus, offers us the gifts of hope, peace and love. Accept these whenever you fear what the future holds for you.
When announcing the birth of John the Baptist, the angel explains to Zechariah the role his son will play in preparing the way for the Messiah. John will be great in the sight of God. He will live as a person set apart for the Lord. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even in his mother's womb. The name John means "the Lord is gracious." When God acts to save us He graciously fills us with His Holy Spirit and makes our faith "anew and alive," all to His promises.
In today's Responsorial Psalm we prayed for this truth: "For You are my hope, O Lord; my trust, O God, from my youth. On You I depend from birth; from my mother's womb You are my strength" (Ps 71:5-6).
I will end with this poem by Arlene Gay Levine: 
Worry Balm
Good will prevail
Peace will come
Open your heart
to welcome them