Daily reflection _ forgiveness and charity

Daily reflection _ forgiveness and charity

Guiding Us in The Ways of
It is impossible to imagine how love could survive and thrive without our being willing to reach out and to say, "I am sorry," when we have wronged another and for the person being wronged to accept the apology and forgive the offender.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
How many of us read book after book or attend lectures, retreats, and workshops with the thought that this author, this story, or this technique will finally provide the spiritual breakthrough one seeks? This time, we hope, we will finally "get it." Even though I am the director of a retreat center and I realize how important it is to take the time to pause from our ordinary routine, it can be difficult to do so. No program or series of steps, though, can give us the deep faith we desire. We may draw inspiration from the experiences and insights of others, but ultimately if it is to be our faith - one that is living, changing, growing, deepening and bring new horizons - then it must come from within. Jesus knew that!
In today's Gospel Jesus tells His disciples something that must come from within, "If your brother or sister wrongs you seven times in one day and returns to you seven times saying, 'I am sorry,' you should forgive him or her." Those three little words, "I am sorry," are just as significant and essential in a relationship as those other three little words, "I love you." It is impossible to imagine how love could survive and thrive without our being willing to reach out and to say, "I am sorry," when we have wronged another and for the person being wronged to accept the apology and forgive the offender.
Jesus Christ adds a most important reason for us to always say, "I am sorry," and for the offended one to accept the apology: "If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you." As we read in today's Responsorial Psalm, We "shall receive a blessing from the Lord, a reward from God [our] Savior. Such is the race that seeks for Him" (Ps 24:5-6a).
It must come from within!