Rorate book review: "Treasure & Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass"

Rorate book review: "Treasure & Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass"

Once in a while, Rorate reviews books, calendars and other items for our readers we believe will be beneficial to them or their families, helping them grow in the Faith. We receive no compensation for this -- ever. We do it only as an act of charity, the same reason for which we take the time to run this blog. We have never received payment for these reviews nor have we ever ran advertisements or accepted the numerous and generous offers of donations or stipends.

Today's review is of the St. Augustine Academy Press book "Treasure & Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass."
Rorate received an early copy of this before it went up for sale. And the book lives up to the highly praiseworthy reviews of leaders such as Raymond Cardinal Burke.
The book -- which is great for children, adults new to tradition and those of us who have assisted at the Traditional Latin Mass for years -- not only does a wonderful job explaining the Latin Mass but also delves into the Mass' history and explains the meaning of traditional feasts, unfamiliar terms and practices.

Here is what some are saying about the new book:

"My heartfelt congratulations to you on the beautiful presentation, in images and words, of the reality of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!...the book is most informative and educational, and the content is presented in a most beautiful and attractive manner." --His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

 "Congratulations on this accomplishment.  The purpose of this book which you stated as a way to help your children understand about the Extraordinary Form of the Mass seems well met in this book.  In my view, I would say this is a very good book." --The Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln
“I am pleased to report this little book fuels piety in a number of ways.  It reveals a literal understanding of the sacred Latin Language used in the prayers and rubrics at the Holy Mass, making it easy to mediate on the sublime orations being offered...[it] also provides many fascinating historical and catechetical lessons on each page that are accessible to all, not only in writing but in pictures and diagrams that direct the imagination always toward heavenly things. It is clear to me that this guide to the Holy Mass is long overdue and should be welcomed by all not only as a way to deepen their love for the Traditional Latin Mass but also to foster and fuel their piety.” -- A Traditional Priest and Friend of Rorate.
You may purchase this fine book now for 10% off by clicking here.