Interesting visitor statistics: top 10 cities

Interesting visitor statistics: top 10 cities

The two weeks of the 2014 Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops "on the Family" and its aftermath (up to today) were the best in our existence in visits and pageviews: thank you all so much for your loyal readership! And there was a very interesting change in the list of top cities sending us visitors: for the first time ever, a city of non-native English speakers reached the second position in number of visitors, and two such cities were among the top 10. 

The top 10 cities in number of visitors from the first day of the Synod up to this Monday were the following:

1. London
2. Rome
3. New York
4. Dublin
5. Washington
6. Chicago
7. Melbourne
8. Toronto
9. Sydney
10. Warsaw

That is: 4 in Europe, 3 in the United States, 2 in Australia and 1 in Canada.

The top 10 cities considering exclusively those in non-native English-speaking nations were the following:

1. Rome
2. Warsaw
3. Buenos Aires
4. Paris
5. Budapest
6. Milan
7. Zagreb
8. Madrid
9. Sao Paulo
10. Lisbon

The top city in Africa was Lagos and the top city in Asia was Singapore. Thankful greetings to readers in all cities, nations, and continents!