"Blessed be the Lord, my Rock! My shield, in Whom I trust" (Ps 144:1b-2).
We read in today's Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians: "Draw your strength from the Lord and from His mighty power" (Eph 6:10). Good and evil abound in the Old and New Testaments. On September 29, we honored Saint Michael and the Archangels. St. Michael is often portrayed as leading the forces of God's heavenly Kingdom. The Church teaches that he is also a model of a spiritual warrior who battles evil within.
St. Michael the Archangel also accompanies souls at the time of death. What a protector! In all of these roles, he is the guardian of the Catholic Church. In 1886, Pope Leo XIII introduced the Prayer to Saint Michael, which invokes his intercession: "Saint Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil." May we be grateful for all the angels, celestial or otherwise, on our journey!
In our response today we pray: "Blessed be the Lord, my Rock! My shield, in Whom I trust" (Ps 144:1b-2). We move and will pass, doing our best at each moment, but without the impossible seriousness of being the redeemer of all evils and the savior of humankind. We are not that. We are a puff of wind and a passing shadow. That is the happiest definition of our humble life. Thank you for it, God.