Daily reflection _ one God and Father of all

Daily reflection _ one God and Father of all

A challenge for us in our modern world is that many people like to sue each other. God our Father is not interested in this because it is not a win/win for all people and most importantly, it doesn't unite us or bring us healing.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
None of us have the power and strength of will to overcome our sins and failings on our own. We stand in constant need of our heavenly Father's grace, help, strength and protection. Scripture describes God as our rock, refuge, fortress, and mighty loving power. We need God's help and guidance in our discernment in order to distinguish between truth and error, right and wrong, good and bad. The Light of Jesus Christ reveals what is in our hearts and His grace frees us from sin, hurtful desires, and harmful addictions in our lives. God's call is urgent and His grace is available for total freedom and transformation in Christ Jesus. May we respond and choose a life of holiness and love.
St. Paul also urges the Ephesians to live their lives in a way that honors the call to holiness that they have received. They need to remember that for God, unity and peace among all people is the goal. Jew and Gentile alike - all of us - are called to the one hope, namely, that all may be one in unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace: "One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is over all and through all and in all" (Eph 4:5-6).
Many times in our lives we struggle with each other and even take sides. How can we compromise and work it out? Our willingness to yield will unite us with the Sacrifice of Jesus to win the ultimate victory! Jesus always counsels us to do all we can to "settle the matter" without going to court unless, for a just reason, we have no choice. A challenge for us in our modern world is that many people like to sue each other. God our Father is not interested in this because it is not a win/win for all people and most importantly, it doesn't unite us or bring us healing.
Our challenge is very clear: We are members of the "one Body, one Lord, one faith, one baptism" (ibid).