

St. Anthony Kauleas
Also known as Antony Cauleas
Born near Constantinople in 829

Feast day: February 12

Death: 901

Patriarch of Constantinople. He was born in 829 of Phrygian descent near Constantinople and entered a local monastery.  A successor of Photius, whose schisms he attempted to heal.

    Antony's noble, Phrygian parents had retired to the countryside near Constantinople to escape the persecution of the Iconoclasts when he was born. He became a monk at a monastery in Constantinople when he was 12 years old, and eventually became its abbot. Upon the death of Patriarch Stephen the Wise, the brother of Emperor Leo VI, Antony succeeded as patriarch of Constantinople in 893. Thus, he was the second successor to Photius, the effects of whose schism he labored to remove and whom Leo VI exiled. Antony completed the work began by Stephen to bring peace to the Church in the East. He presided over the Fourth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople 869-70, which condemned or reformed all that had been done by Photius during his last usurpation of that see after the death of Saint Ignatius. The acts of this council are entirely lost, perhaps through the malice of those Greeks who renewed this unhappy schism. A perfect spirit of mortification, penance, and prayer, sanctified this great pastor, both in his private and public life. His name is found both
in the Greek Menaea and in the Roman Martyrology .

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