Daily reflection _ we should follow as he follows

Daily reflection _ we should follow as he follows

We pray for and work for the realization in ourselves of Jesus Christ demanding ideals.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Saint Paul warns us that we should not be inflated with pride. We are not to boast about what God has given to us as a gift. We read that we should follow Paul as he follows Jesus Christ, for this following is the path to perfection. With our hearts attuned to Christ, we may understand the psalmist's confidence: "The Lord keeps all who love Him" (Ps 145:20). We seek the one who asserts, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me" (Jn 14:6).

Our Christian belief is based on the notion that our spirit is something much more complex, much deeper. We pray for and work for the realization in ourselves of Jesus Christ demanding ideals. And possibly even more importantly, we need to put before our heavenly Father our inability to be so forgiving and humble, and trust in the forgiveness which is, after all, God's specialty; something He does better than we do.
With St. Augustine, let us pray: "Joy in truth, joy in Thee, who art Truth."