Daily reflection _ we journey together

Daily reflection _ we journey together

The mission of Jesus was an arduous one, requiring suffering and death, but Jesus eagerly looked forward to its completion.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The Gospel's portray the story of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry. He is on a relentless journey toward Jerusalem, for it is there that through His death and Resurrection He would achieve the salvation of the world. The mission of Jesus was an arduous one, requiring suffering and death, but Jesus eagerly looked forward to its completion. He struggled with and overcame any reluctance because He was filled with a sense of purpose.
Job, on the other hand, feels that he already has two strikes against him. He is so miserable in his misfortunes that he's tempted to go on strike against God. He is near despair because he can see no reason or purpose for his sufferings. It is only through a desperate and blind act of faith that he continues to cling to God. Through all his pain, Job never lets go of God!
At some point in time, we all come close to feeling like Job. Why was I born? Why should I live? Our happiness and our hopes are dashed to the ground by an accident that harms a family member, by a killing disease that hits us, or by the desertion of a spouse. These things make us cry out like the Lord, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me" (Mk 15:34; Mt 27:46)? These are the true crosses on our journey with Christ Jesus; we do not choose these situations in life, they just come upon us.
The suffering and death of Jesus came about not because He wanted them but because His life and teaching had aroused hatred and ill will with others at times. But He stayed on the course for He had a purpose to fulfill - the mission that God put in front of Him. We have a purpose in each of our individual lives that we need to fulfill for God and the goodness of His Kingdom. But our destiny will not be fulfilled in our earthly life. It will be fulfilled with Jesus in the heavenly Jerusalem in union with His Father - our Father - Who will grant us the gift of everlasting life.
Spend some time today savoring the words and struggles with the meaning of Scripture!