Daily reflection _ the vitality of youth

Daily reflection _ the vitality of youth

We know we are in direct contact with the loving power that can transform suffering into joy and death into everlasting life.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Do you know the majesty of God?
Today's reading from Ecclesiastes speaks of the failing health and infirmities of old age in a figurative way. It speaks of failing eyesight: "They who look through the windows grow blind"; loss of hearing: "The doors to the street are shut, and the sound of the mill is low" and "One fears heights and perils in the street." Ecclesiastes, by its appearance in the Bible, gives permission for us to feel melancholic about aging and our nostalgia for youth.
In today's Gospel we hear about the amazement of the disciples at all Jesus Christ is doing. We also, as His followers, have reason to be amazed at the good God our Father can draw out of the pains and worries of old age or of any age we might be at this time on our journey. What generosity and kindness it can bring forth in the young and healthy, what compassion and gentleness in those of us getting older or in our senior years. As we are united once again to the Lord Jesus and each other at the altar and in His Sacrifice, we know we are in direct contact with the loving power that can transform suffering into joy and death into everlasting life.
The Gospel Acclamation brings us great hope: "Our Savior, Christ Jesus, destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel" (2 Tim 1:10). Let us pray: "Lord Jesus Christ, by Your Cross You have redeemed the world and revealed Your glory and triumph over sin and death. May I never fail to see Your glory and victory in the Cross. Help me to conform my life to Your will and to follow in Your way always. Amen."