God wants others to see the Light of Christ in us in the way we live, speak and give witness to the joy of the Gospel…, "Such is the race that seeks for Him, that seeks the Face of the God of Jacob" (Ps 24:6).
Many of us may feel that we cannot participate in the ministry of Jesus Christ because we do not posses all the qualifications with a perfect record. We may also contend that we cannot possibly contribute anything because we failed in a variety of ways in our life. However, both of today's Scripture readings reject such claims! In addressing the Corinthians, St. Paul mentions the various leaders in their community, including himself and St. Peter. Although Paul persecuted the Christians earlier and Peter denied Jesus Christ at the time of the Passion, they both emerge as leaders in the Faith community. Peter admits his sinfulness after the miraculous catch of fish. Instead of dismissing Peter, Jesus first urges him not to fear. He then promises Peter a new career opportunity as a special kind of fisherman in God's service. In both instances, Jesus has rehabilitated Peter and Paul so they can do something much bigger and better.
Our heavenly Father chooses ordinary people like you and me to be His modern day disciples, and He uses the ordinary circumstances of our daily lives to draw others on the path to Him. Jesus speaks the same message to us today, for we will "catch people" to bring them to God if we allow the Light of Christ Jesus to shine through us. God wants others to see the Light of Christ in us in the way we live, speak and give witness to the joy of the Gospel. In today's Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Such is the race that seeks for Him, that seeks the Face of the God of Jacob" (Ps 24:6).
Dear Jesus, as Your disciples, fill our hearts with love, joy and compassion so others may come to know Your goodness!