Daily reflection _ light and growth of the living

Daily reflection _ light and growth of the living

It's the Light of Christ in us that brings growth throughout our lives, which is wonderful and mysterious…
Don't stand still, that is not living!
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
St. Paul asked the Corinthians in today's first reading to think about a seed which is planted in the ground in a form of death like a person who is buried. That which rises from what can be called the grave of the earth is not just a seed, but a full blown plant. There is an identity of the plant with the seed, but the differences are much greater than the similarities. Nourished by water and soil and energized by the sun the seed undergoes an amazing transformation. We take the facts of agriculture for granted, but the first person to plant a seed must have found it difficult to believe that a beautiful, magnificent tree would be the result of an insignificant, tiny seed.
The resurrection for us will be something like that. Nourished by the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and energized by His life-giving Spirit, we will rise to a new life, body and soul. We will be the same person, but the differences between what we are now and what we will then be are beyond our powers to imagine. It's the Light of Christ in us that brings growth throughout our lives, which is wonderful and mysterious.
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "I will walk in the presence of God, in the light of the living" (Ps 56:14). To live is to walk; to keep going forward; to open new paths; to scan new horizons.
Don't stand still, that is not living!