Daily reflection _ He knows us through and through

Daily reflection _ He knows us through and through

With God all things are possible and with His grace may we be free from malice, hatred, revenge, and resentment, willing to receive the courage we need to return evil with good.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Who qualifies as the truly blessed person, and as one who is truly wise? The Gospel of Luke responds to this compelling question by listing key Gospel values. Such values include love of enemies, turning the other cheek, and giving one's tunic in addition to the cloak as well, anything else? Possibly in God's eyes! He insists on giving without any thought of receiving and lending without any expectation of future compensation, and on top of all that, Jesus calls for compassion and forgiveness. Wow, this is tuff stuff! But the Gospel tells us that those who lead lives based on these values qualify as truly blessed and wise.
Well let's ponder on this question today, what makes Christians different? It is grace; treating others, not as they deserve, but as our heavenly Father wishes them to be treated - with loving-kindness and mercy. God is a lavish Giver even to the unjust as well as the just. His love embraces not pushes away. God seeks our highest good and teaches us to seek the greatest good of others, even those who hate us. Our love for others, even those who are ungrateful and selfish, must be marked by the same kindness and mercy which Jesus taught His disciples and us today.
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Guide me, Lord, along the everlasting way" (Ps 139:24b). He knows our thoughts, our words, our going and coming; God knows our motives and passions, our loyalty and failings, our personalities. We need to remember He knows us better than we know ourselves. May He give you and me the supreme grace of self-knowledge face-to-face with Him in the context of His creation.
With God all things are possible and with His grace may we be free from malice, hatred, revenge, and resentment, willing to receive the courage we need to return evil with good. Love and grace has power to heal and to save! May we be blessed and wise.