

Vatican City, 3 September 2014 (VIS) – The following is a list of the activities linked to the Holy See during the month of August 2014:

12: The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue issues a declaration on “the reinstatement of the Caliphate”, which was abolished in 1923 by Kamal Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey, affirming that opposition to this “reinstatement” by the majority of Muslim religious and political institutions has not prevented the jihadists of the “Muslim State” from committing unspeakable criminal acts that this dicastery, like all those involved in interreligious dialogue, the followers of all religions and all men and women of goodwill can only denounce and condemn. It emphasises that “Christians and Muslims have been able to live alongside one another – certainly with highs and lows – for centuries, building a culture of co-existence and a civilisation of which they are proud”.

13: The Pontifical Council “Cor Unum” communicates that, since the month of June, humanitarian assistance programmes for Iraqi refugees have been underway. These programmes are organised by the local Church, in particular via Caritas Iraq, and have already reached 4000 families. Other national entities of the Caritas family have joined in the efforts, with the co-ordination of Caritas International.

21: The Pontifical Council “Justice and Peace” announces that Pope Francis has chosen the theme for the 48th World Day of Peace 2015, celebrated every year on 1 January: “Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters”, and commented that in the contemporary world, slavery assumes many abominable faces: human trafficking, the trade in migrants and prostitution, forced labour, the exploitation of man by his peers, and the enslavement of women and children.

25: The director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., issued a communique on the nuncio Jozef Wesoloswki, who appealed against the first grade canonical sentence of laicisation. The archbishop, who has already been dismissed from his diplomatic role and therefore no longer benefits from immunity, may also be subject to trial by other competent judicial bodies.