Mt 23:01-12
Daily reflection _ take a close look in the mirror
Fixation on appearance is a superficial distraction that harms both the admirer and the one objectified.
It is important that we take a careful look in the mirror. When our Lord criticizes religious people during His preaching and teaching, it is worth taking time to prayerfully consider whether or not Jesus' words are directed at faithful people like us as well. What could Jesus mean when He says, "Do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice" (Mt 23:4). The difference, from His perspective, is the way He defines the greatness that ought to be honored. "The greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted" (Mt 23:11 - 12).
Today the Church honors St. Rose of Lima, the patroness of Latin America and the Philippines. She was called Rose because she was beautiful. She also knew that her beauty would interfere with her devotion to our Lord, and she was troubled by it and the attention it caused. She also defied her parents' wish to be married. And so she suffered loneliness as a result of the opposition she faced. Thus, she chose to live in solitude.
St. Rose of Lima's life is a reminder that fixation on appearance is a superficial distraction that harms both the admirer and the one objectified. We are all beautiful because we belong to a God Who loves us! Take a close look in the mirror!