Daily reflection _ see the grace of God

Daily reflection _ see the grace of God

God has graciously given us the opportunity to put the possessions and gifts that He entrusted to us to good use.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Today's Gospel includes another parable about the return of Christ Jesus. This one further explains how we should be prepared for His second coming. It requires all of us to maintain positive and productive activity, utilizing the gifts our heavenly Father has entrusted to us according to our abilities. The fact that the two "good and faithful" servants both received the same reward indicated that the quality of their activity is what counts, not the quantity of what they achieve.
Such committed, creative activity in response to God's grace enables "the foolish of the world to shame the wise," as St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, and "the weak of the world to shame the strong" (1 Cor 1:27). The master said, "Be faithful in small matters and I will give you greater responsibility." The problem with the third servant is not that he failed to perform well enough; rather, he didn't trust that his master wanted his talents and treasures to be spread and shared.
Grace is always first; the final, condemning judgment is unnecessary. God has graciously given us the opportunity to put the possessions and gifts that He entrusted to us to good use. How might we live joyfully, not simply protecting what our Father has given us, but spending it so that others see the grace of God? From in Him our hearts rejoice. In His holy name we trust!