Daily reflection _ proper balance

Daily reflection _ proper balance

Faith in God is founded on the realization that we are dependent upon Him; it is a realistic recognition that we come from God and continue in existence because of "Our Father."  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
In today's first reading from the prophet Ezekiel, the prince of Tyre shows his pride and self-satisfaction, and his wisdom and wealth are sufficient to merit a very harsh reprimand from God through Ezekiel. Oftentimes, you and I can think that we are the ultimate controllers of everything and everyone, tempting us to think of ourselves as gods. Even in our own homes and having satisfaction with our possessions and achievements may be enough to warrant God's rebuke.
On whatever scale we operate, we are all susceptible to the desire to put ourselves in the place of God; many times we might not even be aware of it. We need to continually challenge ourselves to put all that we have or can do into the care of our heavenly Father. Faith in God is founded on the realization that we are dependent upon Him; it is a realistic recognition that we come from God and continue in existence because of "Our Father."
Scripture doesn't teach us to be dependent on God in a childish way; rather, the key is to be "child like." We are maturing daily under His guidance, and we have an honest acceptance of the fact that we are not our own creator. Our pursuit of security and adequate means never, in God's mind, negate our need of God as our Father. For us as a Christian people, the necessary pursuit of sustenance for ourselves, our families and those around us in daily life, never becomes the sole and absolute purpose of life. We only contribute to what remains, which is basically our  heavenly Father's work that sustains our lives.
We can learn a lot from Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God!"