Daily reflection _ not an easy calling

Daily reflection _ not an easy calling

The self-giving love of our Lord means we are called to give generously of ourselves in words and deeds of mercy and in lives of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Oftentimes, we hear Jesus say, "Whoever wishes to come after Me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me." What Jesus Christ asks of us hardly seems to get any easier. St. Paul frequently preached that none of the old ways he used to measure the value of his life matter as much as knowing the surpassing love of Jesus Christ. Denying ourselves means turning from all of the ways we are inclined to measure the value of our life and, thus, find our life only in Jesus Christ and His will and desires.
The self-giving love of our Lord means we are called to give generously of ourselves in words and deeds of mercy and in lives of reconciliation, forgiveness and peace. This is not an easy calling. Everything we have is an outright gift from God. We owe Him everything, including our very lives. We can remember all the fires in the state of Washington during July, and all the people that lost their homes because of those fires. Many of us heard the cry for help and donated money, water, clothing, volunteered time to help in the crises, and the list goes on. It brought joy to my heart being a Washingtonian. During a time of need the community came together.
Jesus gave us our mission statement - the Beatitudes - to know and share God's love which He gives without measure. There is no sadness or loss that can diminish the joy He offers. Jesus asks, "What will a person give in exchange for his or her life?"