Many ongoing stories of the persecution and political problems happen throughout history. Yet Jesus shows us that God, Who cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, cares for us.
Today's Scripture reading sounds grim. Jesus is barely mentioned. But through our own faith journey we know God is not absent; we know the way to God is Jesus. From the beginning of the Gospel, John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus. John's death foreshadows and prepares the way for Jesus' death, too. In both of their deaths, they are condemned to die by political authorities. In John's death there is not even a hint of resurrection; Herod wonders if the Messiah is John raised from the dead. The stage is set for Jesus Christ to defeat the power of death in His own Resurrection.
The first reading from the Prophet Jeremiah tells us of the many peoples who are bowled over by all the unusual happenings - the number of miracles. But with a longer acquaintance and a closer look at the texts we see a great realism about human life and nature. Many ongoing stories of the persecution and political problems happen throughout history. Yet Jesus shows us that God, Who cares for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, cares for us. When we really think about life, we see God working in our world through other people, events, and even in scientific ways rather than directly. Many times we seem to focus on all things that are grim, and when we do this we begin to sink.
With faith we are able to see God. Jesus shows us the God Who is at work in the worst imaginable events. The same God Who cares for the birds of the air and flowers of the fields cares for me and you. In His great love He will answer us and rescue us from all our troubles just as today's Psalm acclaims. Let's remember God's ways are far above our ways.
May I Not Sink!