Mt 12:14-21
Daily reflection _ the suffering servant seeks faith
The only way to the goodness in God's kingdom is through the cross of Christ, the cross of suffering and humiliation at times which Jesus endured for our sake and salvation.
In everyone's existence there are key moments or choices at crossroads which are truly decisive. The religious leaders of Jesus' time became intolerant of Jesus because of their prejudice. Nothing that Christ would do or say from that point on would be right in their eyes. Jesus used the crisis to teach His disciples an important lesson for God's way to success and victory. The only way to the goodness in God's kingdom is through the cross of Christ, the cross of suffering and humiliation at times which Jesus endured for our sake and salvation. We, too, are called to take up the cross and to lay down our lives in humble service and love for one another just as Jesus did for our sake.
Jesus always remains faithful to His God-given task and mission. In Him, God's purpose will be worked out. Jesus' mission is summed up in a passage from the prophet Isaiah that Matthew's Gospel elucidates today. Isaiah speaks about God's suffering servant who will, by all appearances, be overcome by the approaching storm. "He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the punishment that made us whole, and by His bruises we are healed" (Is 53:4-5).
What Jesus continues to do for us is to heal. He does not bruise us when we are weak or treat us with contempt, but rather shows understanding and compassion. Jesus does not discourage us, but gives us hope, courage, and the strength to persevere through trying circumstances.
In our responsorial psalm we acclaim, "Do not forget the poor, O Lord!" (Ps 10). Let us remember, it is God's grace that is sufficient for our every moment, every situation, and every challenge we face.