Daily reflection _ let them grow together until harvest

Daily reflection _ let them grow together until harvest

Oftentimes, and for very good reasons, parents turn to their own parents when choosing godparents for their children, and proactive help from grandparents and godparents makes a huge difference in a child's faith development.
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
I would like to start our reflection today with this little prayer: "Lord, may your word take deep root in my heart, that I may bear good fruit for your glory. May I hunger for your righteousness now, so that I may look forward to the day of eternal life with excitement and great joy. Amen."
In the Gospel of Matthew, the image Jesus uses is a common everyday example of planting, harvesting, and sorting the good fruit from the bad. God's word brings life. God will reward each of us by living our lives fully in doing His will and doing good works.
Today the church honors Joachim and Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary, were thus the grandparents of Jesus. Although scripture records no encounter between Jesus and His grandparents, He presumably had at least some contact with them in His younger years.
Like the nuclear family, the extended family is also part of God's plan of creation - grandparents and grandchildren are intended by God as mutual blessings for each other. Oftentimes, and for very good reasons, parents turn to their own parents when choosing godparents for their children, and proactive help from grandparents and godparents makes a huge difference in a child's faith development.
In our responsorial psalm we acclaim: "How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord, mighty God" (Ps 84). May we all live as one in the house of our heavenly Father!