Our challenge today is to become a living sacrifice ourselves instead of sacrificing things.
The first reading from the book of the Prophet Micah summarizes the quality of life that matters to our heavenly Father when it says, "To do the right and to love goodness, as we walk humbly on our journey" (Mi 6:8). Many times we can argue about when the candles should be changed, and how much incense, in quality and quantity, should be used in the church, but we hear today that what is more important to God is what is going on out in the streets of our community. Jesus picks up the prophetic message, criticizing religious people who work tirelessly in offerings and sacrifices but neglect justice, mercy, and faithfulness. For Jesus, the life of faith is not about the offering of calves, rams, oil - the sacrifice of material things - but rather the offering and self-giving of our lives.
In the responsorial psalm we proclaim, "To the upright I will show the saving power of God" (Ps 50:23). God wants our sincerity and the love of our hearts, and the manifestation of this love in our lives goes out to all people to show God's saving power. That is the type of sacrifice pleasing to Him.
If we wish to be wise in God's ways, then we must humble ourselves before Him, like attentive students who wish to learn, and submit our heart and mind to His will.
St. Paul extends this message to the Church. He calls us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1). The grace and mercy of Jesus Christ call for our response of trust and faith, the quality of life that matters to our heavenly Father.
Our challenge today is to become a living sacrifice ourselves instead of sacrificing things. Do right, love what is good, and walk humbly!