Daily reflection _ called to be

Daily reflection _ called to be

Jesus Christ prompts us to bear witness to the value of God in our lives.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
In today's first reading, the prophet Isaiah claims to have seen God in the Temple. At least occasionally, we might have been similarly moved. We have the opportunity daily to touch the sacramental Body of Christ. Those of us who persevere in our participation in the Eucharist have answered for ourselves in some way these questions about what prayer and worship means to us. Worship, no matter how colored, is the center of Christian life, and from it should flow all the good of Christian activity. Isaiah's vision was not just a private consolation for him. At the end of this scene, we hear him responding to our heavenly Father's call: "Here I am...send me!" (Is 6:8).
Let us reflect on these two simple, yet powerful statements of Isaiah. "Here I am" is recognizing that I am present. I am someone; I am called to be in God's kingdom. Further, this statement is recognizes the unique talents that each of us posses: our personality, creativity, and spirit that God has blessed us with.
Jesus Christ prompts us to bear witness to the value of God in our lives. We either acknowledge the Lord, or we deny Him. There is no middle ground for us to believe, yet somehow remain silent and hidden. Jesus' words push us out to the front lines, and make us a part of something great-the story of His life. Yet, we are not left to our own resources. Jesus declares that God will not abandon us. He watches over each one carefully, counts the hairs of our head, and knows we are more valuable than sparrows. We gain much strength in trusting this!
In the responsorial psalm, we acclaim, "The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty" (Ps 93). Praying this today should help us realize that daily life is easier because He is God. Let us respond to God like Isaiah: "Send me."