

Bl. Rizzerio

Blessed Rizzerio, OFM
also known as Richerius

Feast day: February 7

Death: 1236

 Born in Muccia, Marches, Italy; died March 26, 1236; cultus confirmed 1836.

Early member of the Franciscans and one of the favorite followers of St. Francis of Assisi. Originally from a wealthy family, he was born at Muccia, in the Italian Marches. While studying at the university of Bologna, Italy, in 1222, he had occasion to hear a sermon delivered by Francis and was so moved that he soon joined the Franciscans. Subsequently ordained, he became a leading advisor and close associate of Francis, served as provincial of the Marches, received from the saint a miracle by which his seemingly insuperable despair of God’s forgiveness was overcome, and was present at Francis’ deathbed. He is mentioned in the famed work of the Fioretti, The Little Flowers of St. Francis, under the name Rinieri. He died on March 26.