Pentecost is the birthday of the Church because it was on Pentecost Sunday that individuals received the Holy Spirit and became one in Jesus Christ.
"As the Father sent Me, so I send you: receive the Holy Spirit." This is the message of hope, joy and consolation we receive today from John's Gospel. In fact, all the readings today converge on this one message. We are celebrating Pentecost! Pentecost is the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity into the world. It is the celebration of a specific work of the Spirit, which is the empowerment of the Church for Christ's service in the world.
We are the Catholic Church of the Diocese of Spokane. We all share in the ministry of our bishop, Bishop Blase Cupich. Our diocese includes most of Eastern Washington, about 13 counties in all. We were established on December 17, 1913. Our diocese covers 24,356 square miles, and has many active ministries. We have ministries to people of various ethnic backgrounds including Spanish, Native American, and Guatemalan missionary efforts. We have many differing ministries in this diocese, yet we are all one in the Church. We are a part of the Archdiocese of Seattle, and united with our bishop in the United States Catholic Conference for our Church. We are all united to Rome under the shepherd of our faith, Pope Benedict XVI, and under the universal laws of the Church. We also reach out to other Christian churches throughout the world to show that we have a common belief in Jesus Christ.
Yet, it is not the organization and the programs that make us the Catholic or universal Church. We are a Church due to the action of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit binds us into one people even if we are each very different. In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the Spirit caused people to understand each other even though the people heard the Apostles in different languages.
Yes, there are organizational aspects and structures to the Church, be it parish, retreat center, diocese, or the universal Church, but that which makes us Church is the very presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst, uniting us together as the Body to the Head, Jesus Christ.
Today we celebrate the birthday of the Church. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church because it was on Pentecost Sunday that individuals received the Holy Spirit and became one in Jesus Christ.
In an infinitely greater point, Pentecost is the empowering by the Master, Jesus, to complete His work, the salvation of that part of creation that God made in His own image. Jesus entrusted his work to the disciples and to each one of us as well.
First, we experience the presence of the Holy Spirit today through our diversity... Contrary to popular opinion, the ideal community is not one in which everyone looks alike, talks alike, wears the same clothing, cheers for the same sports teams, and votes for the same political candidates. Of course, when we share many common characteristics it is easy for us to feel at home, to feel safe on common ground. But we all are called to come out of our comfort zones, be different and share our gifts; that is ourselves. We are a Church that includes a mix of races, religious backgrounds, gender diversity, and socio-economic variety that only God can unify.
Second, we experience the presence of the Holy Spirit today through our unity... This is Paul's counterbalancing truth to the Corinthian Church and to us today. Yes, we are made by God delightfully, and sometimes frustratingly, diverse. St. Paul says that the different gifts of the Spirit are not just to make us different, but also to give us each some way to contribute to the health and vitality of the Church. Someone dear to me gave me this prayer and I would like to share it with you:
Whenever I Journey
Send Your Spirit to accompany me,
So that whenever I journey,
I journey with Your blessing.
Send Your Spirit to protect me,
So that however I travel,
I travel with Your peace.
Send Your Spirit to guide me,
So that wherever I go,
I go with Your inspiration.
Send Your Spirit to uplift me,
So that whatever I do,
I do for Your glory. Amen!
Here at the retreat center, in this Spokane Diocese, in this country, in this world, we have been empowered by our Master, Jesus Christ, and with His Holy Spirit. We are called to continue His work on earth. Whatever we do, we do it in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pentecost is the celebration of the Spirit that gives life to our actions. It is the celebration of the birth of the living Church...
The Master's hands are at work!