Daily reflection _ He knows our hearts

Daily reflection _ He knows our hearts

Do I know who I am? To reflect and move into the core of our being, we need to know who we are, to know the light of "Christ within," and then share it with others in our lives and ministry. Then we can overcome the ups and downs of life.
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Jesus said to His disciples, "In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world," and His disciples said, "Ah, now You are speaking plainly, not in any figure! Now we know that You know all things, by this we believe that You came from God."
How did Jesus convince His disciples that He was the Son of God? Jesus could read their hearts like an open book. He answered their questions before they could even speak them out. And He showed them the glory of God. For a Christian, believing in God cannot be separated from belief in Jesus, because He, Himself, is God, the Word made flesh.
In spite of their belief, Jesus warned the disciples that their faith would be put to the test, and that they would fail. Jesus spoke plainly about the tragedy of betrayal, and the triumph of the cross. Jesus knew the hearts of the disciples better then they knew themselves.
Five years ago, Fr. Mergenhagen, from the New York diocese, was the retreat director for one of our deacon retreats. He talked to us about the "Christ within..." God is always loving us, surrounding us, encircling us, filling us with the Divine love. Right now, I am aware that God is loving me. God loves me despite the bad I have done, and not simply because of the good I have done. God loves us for who we are, created in His image and likeness; we are God's children, and brothers and sisters of Jesus. God dwells in the human heart. "God within" is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the ancient teaching of the Indwelling of the Trinity. Father then talked about the boulders in our lives that can get in the way of God's indwelling Presence, and that we need to ponder on the question: Do I know who I am? To reflect and move into the core of our being, we need to know who we are, to know the light of "Christ within," and then share it with others in our lives and ministry. Then we can overcome the ups and downs of life.
While we cannot avoid all pain and suffering in this life, Jesus, nonetheless assures us that He will guide us safely through any difficulty or trial we may have to undergo for His sake. Jesus calls each of us to take courage, because He has overcome the world. The Holy Spirit gives us a living hope in the power of the Resurrection and a confident trust in God's Presence.
The Holy Spirit gives us the strength and courage we need to overcome adversity and to persevere in faith. As we pray today, we remember in the psalm: "Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth" (Ps 68). The Father of orphans and the Defender of widows is God in His holy dwelling.
It's God that gives a home!