"Have I been with you for so a long time
The essence of Christianity is the personal knowledge of God as our heavenly Father.
Where do we search for Jesus Christ? In today's Gospel, Jesus says to Philip, "Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know Me?" (Jn 14:9) Maybe some of us search through the internet to get information about some aspects or traits Jesus exhibited, which would give us a long list, or maybe the following would be helpful: Pope Benedict has written a biography of Jesus, adding to a lengthy catalog of biographies already in print. Maybe one of us reading this reflection today might want to take on the task, composing our own biography of the Son of God. This would be a definite meditation for anyone to reflect upon and accomplish.
Our knowledge of God is not simply limited to knowing something about Him, but we can know God the Father personally. The essence of Christianity is the personal knowledge of God as our heavenly Father. Christ Jesus makes it possible for us personally to know God as our Father. To see Jesus is to see what God is like. In Jesus, we see perfect love, a God who cares intensely and who yearns after all His children. If we put our trust in Jesus Christ and believe what He taught us, Jesus gives a promise that each generation holds on to; this promise is that God our Father will hear our prayers when we pray in His name, "Our Father who art in heaven... Give us this day our daily bread."
In the responsorial psalm we acclaim, "All the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God" (Ps 98:2). May God strengthen our faith and open our eyes that we may realize that His victory is already here, even though at times the humble veil hides the glory of all heavenly realities while we are on earth. We need to remember throughout our journey that Jesus walked the earth and spoke our human language; He experienced human challenges and proclaimed and effected human redemption; Jesus tasted death and restored life for all people.
Let us make this real in our own lives and be witnesses for others!
Where do we search for the Truth?