Daily reflection _ whoever loves Me will keep My words

Daily reflection _ whoever loves Me will keep My words

To change the world, we need to start with our own "world:" home, school, work, and neighborhood.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
I read a saying today in one of our commentaries that is fitting for our reflection: The environmentalists use the slogan, "Think globally; act locally." This is a good technique for Christian people to spread the Good News of the Gospel. To change the world, we need to start with our own "world:" home, school, work, and neighborhood. Where might we make a difference as a Christian presence?
A former Poet Laureate, Stanley Kunitz, wrote Reflections on a Century in the Garden. In the book, Kunitz describes his experience of falling in love with language as a child. Finding new words in a dictionary, Kunitz learned new meanings, but he also loved even hearing their sounds. "I would go out into the woods behind our house, shout my latest discovery, and listen to the words reverberate." He went on to say, "I considered it my duty to give my new words to the elements, to scatter them."
During this time of reflection, ponder on the power of our own presence and words that carry not only meaning, but are also formed by our spirit, our very breath, and our very selves! The words that we cry out should be full of kindness, joy, peace, compassion, and of course, forgiveness -- especially to those who need it the most!
Jesus says, "Whoever loves Me will keep My Word."