You are in all people, Lord, and we want to recognize You in them.
In today's first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, St. Peter says, "The Spirit told me to accompany them without discriminating" (Acts 1:12). A man in Joppa sent for Peter to proclaim God's words to all and "all [his] household [would] be saved" (Acts 1:14).
Real baseball fans will remember when Jackie Robinson broke into the major leagues with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson was an excellent baseball player, but the notable thing about him in that era was that he was black. Until the owner of the Dodgers was bold enough to hire him, it was simply taken for granted that major league baseball was a sport for white men only. Although it is impossible now to think of professional baseball without black players, opposition to Jackie Robinson was rather forceful from some of the players and even some of the fans.
In the early Church it was first taken for granted that Christianity was for Jews only. When some of the Christians in Jerusalem heard that Gentiles too had become followers of Christ, they objected. Peter was challenged on this point and responded by explaining the vision he had in which it was clear that God was calling all people to salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the gate, as He declares in the Gospel we heard on Sunday! Through Him all peoples are invited to enter in the Kingdom of God. In the end of the reading from Acts today, those who had challenged Peter on preaching to the Gentiles concluded that "God has then granted life-giving repentance to the Gentiles, too" (Acts 1:18).
We pray in the responsorial psalm, "Like a deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for You, my God. My soul is thirsting for God, the living God. When can I enter to see the face of God?" (Ps 42). I was so touched by this psalm this morning. Hearing the words "I long," "I thirst," and "I yearn." Deep in the heart that is yearning is the vital thrust of life, the motivating force of earthly existence. I live because I long for You, Lord; and in a way, because I long for You, I die, too. Because I possess faith, I desire Your presence, desiring nothing else in this world. I imagine Your face, hear Your voice, and worship Your divinity.
We meet in prayer; we meet in the sacraments; and we come to You in faith. We want to meet You in the faces of our fellow humans, in the sudden revelation that all people are Your children, brothers and sisters to each other. We want to be there in time of need of the poor, in the love of friends, and in the smile of a child or an elderly woman dying. You are in all people, Lord, and I want to recognize You in them.
The Gospel proclaimed today brings much comfort to us. Jesus says, "I am the Good Shepherd, and I know mine and mine know Me, just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I will lay down My life for the sheep" (Jn 10:14-15).
In these days it is difficult for us to imagine how anyone could have thought that Christianity was meant to be exclusive. Nonetheless, we must constantly make sure that our attitude is the same as God's attitude about His people. Even the slightest hint of excluding anyone from our love and concern is not in accord with God's will. Rather, we must make positive efforts to reach out in sharing His love with everyone we meet.