Daily reflection _ proclaim the Lord's favor

Daily reflection _ proclaim the Lord's favor

God is our heavenly Father, and we are His children. Wow, we are very lucky. This is a gift!
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
In today's responsorial psalm we acclaim: "Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. You are my Father, my God, the Rock, my Savior"' (Ps 89:27). The loving power of our heavenly Father is our guarantee. His strength is our boast. We have become a joyful people. God's glory and love retell the story of His wonderful deeds. God's history is also our history, and His Holy Spirit is our life. What a destiny we have on earth as people who are the expression of God's divine will. God is our heavenly Father, and we are His children. Wow, we are very lucky. This is a gift!
To be ministers of the Gospel, to proclaim His favor on earth, is our responsibility. By virtue of our own baptism, we are called in some way to represent Christ Jesus, and through Him we represent God to those around us every day. All this points to the responsibility we all have of doing this fittingly and without reflecting poorly on the One whom we represent. Our time, like every period in the history of the Church, has seen its share of scandals and misery caused by those who should be serving and representing God our Father. It is not meant for just a few people, but the Church at large, all people, whether they are bishops, priests, deacons, religious, or part of the laity, we are all called. In fact, we are called from our mother's womb! Jesus stresses that the initiative in choosing representative is His, but He also implicitly recognizes that those chosen must also agree to the task, and then take it seriously. We are not meant to be puppets and slaves, but to be members of God's family by doing His will.
Our union with the whole Christ Jesus at every altar in our Churches is the source of strength and help for us in the task of bringing Jesus Christ to the whole world!
Percy Ross wrote this line, "He who gives while he lives gets to know where it goes." Proclaim the Lord's favor. Amen.