Daily reflection _ the path of life is to spread the good news

Daily reflection _ the path of life is to spread the good news

Christ Jesus has died; Christ Jesus is risen, and Christ Jesus will come again. Yes, that is the greatest thing of all!
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The two disciples on their way to Emmaus were so excited when they came to realize they had seen the risen Jesus, that they rushed to get back to the others, a seven-mile journey at dusk, to tell them what had happened to them on the way. The Good News is difficult to contain - it's meant to be shared.
Today we honor mothers. We can think about the time they heard the news, "You are going to have a baby!" Their hearts swelled up with joy and excitement and then they couldn't wait to share the good news with family and friends. Bringing new life into the world is one of the most thrilling things that can happen to moms and the rest of us. However, without question the most astounding, greatest event we all experience is the news that Christ Jesus has died; Christ Jesus is risen, and Christ Jesus will come again. Yes, that is the greatest thing of all!
In today's responsorial psalm we acclaim, "Lord, You will show us the path of life" (Ps 16:11). This path challenges us to be witnesses of the Good News of the Gospel, to live a life of abounding joy knowing that God's presence is with us always and that His hand will guide us throughout our journey.
May we give and receive witness to the truth of Jesus Christ; these are two key points in today's Scriptures.
A question to reflect upon today: When we proclaim the Gospel, do we speak with conviction? Can others feel the depth of our faith? Could you and I stand like St. Peter did in a crowd and speak of Jesus' Resurrection and saving power?
The path of life is open to all people of faith!