To look at Jesus' life is to "see how God wishes us to live."
We read a mysterious saying today in Scripture that reads, "Before Abraham came to be, I AM" (Jn. 8:58). Our Bibles often print those words, "I AM," in bold, capital letters. It's certainly an attempt to get our attention, don't you think? The words "I AM" remind you and me that God's sacred name revealed to Moses is interpreted in the Old Testament as "I am who am." So by using these words, Jesus Christ is claiming to be God. "I AM" means that God has always existed, so Jesus says, "I knew Abraham." The deeper meaning of this name of God is, "I am the one who is always present, the one who is always with you." God our Father says, "This is truth, for it's my name: the One Who Is with You." God remembers the covenant promises forever, just as we acclaim in today's psalm (Ps 105:8).
God made us to know Him and to be united with Him, and He gives us the gift of faith and understanding to grow. This is all accomplished through Christ Jesus. Jesus again challenges the people of Israel to accept His word as the very revelation of God Himself. Jesus' claim challenged the very foundation of their belief and understanding in God, and still does today. Jesus made a series of unique claims which are the very foundation of His life and mission. Since He claims to be in direct personal communion with His Father in heaven, He knows everything. Jesus is the only way to full knowledge of the mind and heart of God. Jesus also claimed unique obedience to God. Jesus thinks, lives, and acts in the knowledge of God's word. To look at Jesus' life is to "see how God wishes us to live."
Jesus Christ was not just a man who came, lived, died, and then rose again. He is the immortal timeless One, who always was and always will be.